- August 30th, 2017
- Posted by: The Eva Monkey
Episode 7 “A Human Work”, of the Eva Geeks commentary project is finally underway. This episode covers the events surrounding the development of the conventional robot known as Jet Alone, and its subsequent sabotage by Nerv.
If you’re interested in contributing commentary to the project, you will need to review the scenes on the commentary page, reference the corresponding animation cut number, and then post your remarks in the episode 7’s dedicated thread in the forum. Further information is also available in the designated forum thread.
The Fangeeks Commentary: Episode #07
Commentary: Episode 07 (Forum Thread)
Posted in Commentary Project
- July 12th, 2017
- Posted by: Ornette
It’s been quiet as far as any real news in the Evangelion world, Khara is apparently still working on FINAL and have even started hiring more staff, but nothing really substantial outside of those tidbits.
Today, however, Anno had a press conference to discuss something called “Project Studio Q”. Not much info was available before the press conference (and will update the post as more info is available) but it appears that this is a new studio based in Fukuoka City that’s formed together with Dwango, Aso College, and Studio Khara and will be working mainly with 3D and CG.
Project Studio Q will mainly be recruiting for the positions of modeler, animator, director, technical staff (CG programmer), and system engineer, attempting to tap into the large talent pool of the local area. Anno will be in charge of creative management and it appears would be doing work on Evangelion FINAL
Posted in Hideaki Anno, People, Rebuild of Evangelion
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- November 17th, 2016
- Posted by: Ornette
Last September Anno mentioned that he’s already working hard on the fourth and final movie of the new Evangelion theatrical release (Rebuild) since finishing up the work he was doing with Shin Godzilla, at the end of an interview with Takeshi Honda at the October 2016 MCM London Comic Con, he confirms that they are working on it.
Finally, do you have a message for anime fans – and Evangelion fans – here in the UK?
We’re actually working on the new Evangelion film right now. We’re working hard and it’ll come out eventually, so thanks for all of your patience – please continue to be patient, because it’s going to be the last episode.
Also, for anime fans in the UK – please watch Evangelion!
Nothing much, but at least it’s confirmation.
Posted in People, Rebuild of Evangelion
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- September 29th, 2016
- Posted by: Ornette
We know Anno has been spending his time on the Shin Godzilla project with Toho and had apologized to Evangelion fans about the delay. Now that he’s finished with the project and seemingly not anticipating any involvement of future Godzilla projects with Toho in the near future, it seems his focus is back on the final movie.
In an Eiga.com article, when asked about the fourth and final Evangelion movie, he replied: “I’ll work hard on it. I mean, I’m already working hard on it“.
Though there’s still no official timeline on the development, or even what the current status of the Evangelion project is, at least it seems the captain is back at the helm.
(Image credit: http://www.animemaru.com/)
Posted in Hideaki Anno, People, Rebuild of Evangelion
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- July 22nd, 2016
- Posted by: Ornette
It’s no secret that Hideaki Anno has been on a hiatus from working on the fourth and final movie of the Evangelion theatrical series and has been working on a new Godzilla movie. Likewise, there’s been a ton of Evangelion/Godzilla cross merchandizing. During a press conference to commemorate the completion of the new Godzilla movie, Anno’s opening remarks was an apology to Evangelion fans for keeping them waiting for the final movie.
“To start with, there is something I’d like to apologize for. To the fans of Evangelion, I am truly, truly, truly sorry for having kept you waiting.”
Additionally, he reiterates how draining it is to be working on Evangelion and mentions that after the 3rd movie, Evangelion 3.0: You can (not) Redo, that he felt that he’d never create anything again. In the past we’ve seen mentions of how soul draining it was for him to work on the Neon Genesis Evangelion TV series, and more recently (especially while waiting for the 4th and final movie) how emotionally draining it was for Anno to work on the new movies, so it wasn’t necessarily much of a surprise to hear him mention at the press conference that Evangelion is his soul.
“The only way for me to describe Evangelion is to say that it is my soul. I make it by scraping off pieces of myself, and I made three movies in a row like that, putting everything I could into them and not thinking about what would come next. After finishing [the third Rebuild movie], I thought I’d never create anything again.”
But fortunately, he was offered an opportunity to work on the new Godzilla Resurgence movie:
“At that time, I went into talks with Toho, and it saved me. I think this is how I’m able to keep making Evangelion. However, since it is a fact that I’m making everyone wait, I deeply apologize for that.”
Here’s to hoping that he’s recharged and ready to work on Evangelion again.
Posted in Hideaki Anno, People, Rebuild of Evangelion
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- January 29th, 2016
- Posted by: Ornette
We dropped the ball on this but looks like it’s finally happening. Right Stuf made this announcement about a week ago:
We’ve had many people ask us if we’ll be honoring pre-orders for Evangelion 3.33 now that it’s in stock. To clarify, we will indeed be fulfilling pre-orders for Evangelion 3.3, including pre-orders placed when this item was first announced in 2013.
However, as many of these pre-orders are over two years old now, many customers placed their original orders with credit cards that have since expired. If the card you used for your pre-order has expired, please contact our Customer Care team so we can update your order and make sure your order can be processed! We’d hate for you to not get your copy that you’ve been waiting for after all this time just because of an expired card.
Thanks to all our customers who pre-ordered Neon Genesis 3.33: You Can (Not) Redo for your beyond-incredible patience while we’ve waited for news about this item’s release. We’re as excited as you are to see 3.33 finally released in North America!
Shipping confirmations went out around the 22nd, so by now people should be receiving their pre-orders.
Additionally, the release will contain two versions of English subtitles. The “Theatrical” version which is said to be Funimation’s original that was screened in theaters and conventions and the “Home Video” version.

By now pre-orders from other retailers should have shipped/be shipping. See the forum link for more details and changes made to the subtitles/dialog.
Posted in Merchandise, Rebuild of Evangelion
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- October 10th, 2015
- Posted by: SailorStarDust
At Funimation’s New York Comic Con industry panel today, the company finally revealed the release date for Evangelion 3.33: You Can (Not) Redo as February 2nd, 2016. Curiously enough, a fan’s photo from the panel shows the release looks to be a Bluray and DVD combo pack. Definitely a difference from their separate DVD and Bluray releases of the previous 2 films.
Whether this could be Funi’s way of “making up” for the super long delay, or their current standard of releasing anime, is so far unknown.
Here’s hoping that Amazon, Rightstuf, and the like will soon update their websites with price estimates.
Posted in Hideaki Anno, Hikaru Utada, Kazuya Tsurumaki, Merchandise, Rebuild of Evangelion, Shiro Sagisu, Yoshiyuki Sadamoto
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- September 22nd, 2015
- Posted by: SailorStarDust
Hideaki Anno’s upcoming 2016 Godzilla film, titled “New Godzilla” (Shin Gojira) received some updates according to Minna no Eva Fan:
The film’s website can be found at http://shin-godzilla.jp/ (Apparently nothing available yet). Naturally, fans wonder why Anno titled the film “New Godzilla” when Evangelion Final/3.0 + 1.0 is referred to as “New Eva” in Japanese.
Posted in Blogroll, Hideaki Anno, People, Screenings, Trailers, Uncategorized
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- May 2nd, 2015
- Posted by: Nuclear Lunchbox

Kick the tires and light the fires, folks; The Essential Evangelion Chronicle, the esteemed guide to the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, is going to be released stateside– and better yet, it’s going to be released in English!
For those of you who haven’t heard of The Essential Evangelion Chronicle (like myself before doing the research to write this post, because apparently I’m still a scrub when it comes to knowing about older stuff despite watching Evangelion for 6 years), it’s a comprehensive guide for the TV series for NGE. As Hobbylink Japan describes it:
“This all-color softcover book chronicles Neon Genesis Evangelion in great detail with plenty of colorful illustrations and screen captures, a character relationship chart, character and EVA profiles, a timeline, and comprehensive episode guide with checkpoints covering each Angel, vehicle, weapon, and character appearance in each episode.”
The Essential Evangelion Chronicle (dang, that name is a mouthful) is a two-part work. There’s a Side A and a Side B, as they’re called (might be more accurate to call them book A and book B, but whatever.) Side A covers the first thirteen episodes, and Side B covers the last thirteen. Side B contains the Director’s Cut episodes instead of the episodes that aired on TV. It also includes information about the TV ending and End of Evangelion.
I told you guys that we had a confirmed release date, and I wasn’t joshing you: Side A is set to be released June 2nd, and Side B is set to be released August 8th. That’s right, ladies and gents– we’re a mere month away from the first part of this collection being released, and just three more from then until we get Side B.
I don’t think I need to tell you, but just in case: GET EXCITE.
Editor’s note: The original version of this post stated that Side B contains the OA and not the DC episodes, due to a misinterpretation of Amazon’s description of the books. As pointed out by forum user Literary Eagle, this is incorrect; the book actually includes the DC episodes instead of the OA episodes. This post has been updated to reflect the correct information.
If you’d like to see LE’s thoughts on the books, you can read her blog post about them here.
Posted in Books, Evangelion TV, Merchandise
- April 10th, 2015
- Posted by: SailorStarDust
The latest episode of Cartoon Network’s series Regular Show had a parody of the Neon Genesis Evangelion Opening, seen below:
This is Episode 26 from Season 6, titled “Brilliant Century Duck Crisis Special”. It’s pretty fun to see what crazy and creative ideas our generation is coming with up for TV shows, now that they’re behind the reins.
Posted in Blogroll, Evangelion TV, Music
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