- October 23rd, 2013
- Posted by: Ornette
There’s going to be a screening of Evangelion 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo at Toronto’s Reel Asian Film Festival on November 8th at 11:35pm, though the film festival spans the 5th through the 16th. The screening will be at:
The Royal
608 College Street,
Toronto, ON M6G 1B4
The film will be screened in Japanese with English subtitles.
Though it seems kind of short notice, it will be Toronto’s premiere of the 3rd Evangelion movie.
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- October 12th, 2013
- Posted by: Ornette
So the Funimation dub of Evangelion 3.33 was recently unveiled at the New York Comic Con and naturally, there’s immediate speculation about when the BD/DVD release is going to be. Logically, with the dub already done, it’ll probably be in 2014 and probably the first half of the year. But someone noticed on Walmart‘s website that the Evangelion 3.33 DVD was listed and has a release date of February 18th. No word from Funimation about any official release date, and retailers haven’t always gotten them right in the past, so take this with a grain of salt.
Either way, a February release is entirely doable and wouldn’t be unexpected. Looking back at some of the release windows from the first two movies, a couple of months after a theatrical run sounds about right. So maybe Walmart did let the cat out of the bag early.
Posted in Merchandise, Rebuild of Evangelion
- October 4th, 2013
- Posted by: Ornette
According to Funimation’s recent blog post, the New York Comic Con’s 3.0 screening will be the English dub, and the premiere. NYCC had already announced that some of the English dub cast will be at the con as guests, which lead to a bit of speculation that there would be news about the English dub. And now we know that not only is the English dub ready, but that the NYCC screening will be the first.
Here’s a list of the English cast:
- SHINJI – Spike Spencer
- KAWORU – Jerry Jewell
- ASUKA – Tiffany Grant
- REI – Brina Palencia
- MISATO – Allison Keith-Shipp
- RITSUKO – Colleen Clinkenbeard
- MARI – Trina Nishimura
- FUYUTSUKI – Kent Williams
- GENDO – John Swasey
- KITAKAMI – Tia Ballard
- SAKURA – Felecia Angelle
- AOBA – Phil Parsons
- TAKAO – Greg Dulcie
- TAMA – Aaron Roberts
- HYUGA – Mike McFarland
- NAGARA – Krishna Smitha
- IBUKI – Caitlin Glass
You can find more information about showtimes and the convention at the NYCC website, but it’s listed as Saturday at 4:30pm and Sunday at 12:00pm.
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- July 31st, 2013
- Posted by: SailorStarDust
Due to the overwhelmingly positive response of Toonami recently airing Evangelion 1.11, Toonami announced on their official tumblr that Evangelion 2.22 will air on Saturday, August 31st. Crunchy Roll also announced the news.

Should be interesting to see what edits or cuts they’ll make. Let’s hope the trend of airing Eva continues whenever Funimation releases 3.33 on DVD and Bluray.
Posted in Evangelion TV, Rebuild of Evangelion, Screenings
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- July 24th, 2013
- Posted by: Ornette
Evangelion 3.0, You Can (Not) Redo will be screening at this year’s Otakon (courtesy of Funimation) which takes place in Baltimore, Maryland, at Baltimore Convention Center on August 9 through August 11. The film will be screened in Japanese with English subtitles.
The listing is said to be screened in “HD”, which could mean it is a BluRay projection instead of a Digital Cinema Print. Currently, there’s no information on the schedule or what date and time the actual screening will take place, but I’m hearing that a full schedule will be out around the 26th.
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- July 17th, 2013
- Posted by: SailorStarDust
Funimation’s blog has reported they’ll be screening Evangelion 3.0 at San Diego Comic Con. It’s unknown at this point if the dub or sub will be screened.
The time is as follows:
Evangelion 3.0 on Friday at 8:30 p.m. in Room 4
In addition to screening various anime at different date and times, Funimation’s Industry Panel will be on Thursday at 5:30 PM in Room 24ABC.
Hopefully they’ll give information about 3.0 theatrical screenings and a rough estimate of the DVD and Blu-ray release dates.
Posted in Blogroll, Rebuild of Evangelion, Screenings
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- July 11th, 2013
- Posted by: Ornette
The Fantasia International Film Festival just posted their schedule for this year and it seems they’ll be screening Evangelion 3.0, You can (not) redo in a little over a week on July 20th. In 2010, the film festival screen Evangelion 2.0. The film will be shown at the Imperial Theatre at 11:30am and will be shown in Japanese with English subtitles.
From the film festival’s movie page:
Maverick Evangelion pilot Asuka is sent into Earth’s orbit, with the mission of retrieving Unit-01 and Shinji Ikari, sealed away in a coffin-like container. Following an almost fatal battle with the Angel her efforts unleash, she succeeds in bringing the dormant Shinji home — to a world he know longer knows. Fourteen years have passed, Earth has been even further devastated by Third Impact, and Shinji finds himself the prisoner and prize of WILLE, an organization through which many of his former allies now do battle against NERV and its EVAs. The monumental cosmic mystery at the heart of which Shinji finds himself has gone farther and deeper, the stakes of the war even greater than imagined.
The third of the quartet of films in Hideaki Anno’s “Rebuild of Evangelion” feature-film series, EVANGELION: 3.0 YOU CAN (NOT) REDO thickens the plots are raises the already eye-popping visual standards of one of the greatest sagas in the history of Japanese animation, one in which futuristic technology and ancient mysticism are fused with terrifying implications but the humanity of its individual players is never overlooked. The series takes familiar anime tropes — the boy and his robot, the interplanetary war for the survival of the human species — and realizes them with an intelligence and thoughtfulness unmatched in the genre. An even greater attention to design details, a darker and more sober direction in the storytelling, a judicious application of digital animation techniques and mind-boggling, psychedelic techno-mayhem surpassing anything the series has yet unleashed make EVANGELION: 3.0 YOU CAN (NOT) REDO essential big-screen viewing for any true devotee of Japanese animation at its finest, fiercest and most fulfilling.
— Rupert Bottenberg
Posted in Rebuild of Evangelion, Screenings
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- July 8th, 2013
- Posted by: Ornette
Anime Limited, the Glasgow, Scotland based anime distributor, will be screening the first three Evangelion movies in the U.K. The first screenings will be part of the Scotland Loves Animation tour (October 11th – 20th). The first two movies will be on 35mm film and 3.0 will be on Digital Cinema Print, all three will be the theatrical versions as they were screened in Japanese theatres. Additional screenings are expected in Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, and London.
Check the “Evangelion Roadshow” website for dates and venues.
Posted in Rebuild of Evangelion, Screenings
- June 20th, 2013
- Posted by: Ornette
Since the Japan Film Festival of San Francisco teamed up with Funimation this year, the festival will be premiering two screenings of Evangelion 3.0, You Can (Not) Redo during this summer’s event which takes place between Saturday, July 27th through Sunday, August 4th. There will be a screening on Saturday, July 27 at 11am, Monday, July 29th at 7pm and another at 11am on Sunday, August 4th.
From a recent press release:
“We’re extremely honored to make this U.S. premiere of Evangelion 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo a special part of the first-ever Japan Film Festival of San Francisco,” says Manami Iiboshi, the Executive Director of Japan Film Festival of San Francisco. “The film was one of the biggest recent movie blockbusters in Japan and its screening at the 2013 J-POP Summit will be a must-see for many anime fans! We know this show may sell-out so we have also announced a pair of encore showings the following week. Don’t miss the opportunity to catch the exciting latest chapter in one of Japan’s most celebrated sci-fi properties on the big screen at San Francisco’s one-and-only NEW PEOPLE Cinema!”
Ticketing and venue information:
The film will be the Japanese dub with English subtitles. The film festival’s page indicates that the running time is 106 minutes (but the schedule says 96) which probably means we’ll see the God Warrior short right before the movie. I’m told that the “New People Cinema” is a relatively small venue, so book your tickets sooner than later if you plan on attending.
Posted in Rebuild of Evangelion, Screenings
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- June 14th, 2013
- Posted by: Ornette
It was just announced through the New York Comic Con twitter account that Evangelion 3.0 will be screening on Friday, October 11th, at the NYCC. So far, no other info has been provided.
Evangelion: 3.0 will be screening at New York Comic Con on Friday, October 11! Check back soon for more info!
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