
SMASH! 2012 Rundown

This year’s SMASH! was definitely a special event, with Yuko Miyamura returning for a very unique main stage event, a live Voice Acting Workshop.

Six lucky entrants, who submitted their voice acting applications online, were chosen to join Miyamura on stage where they live dubbed a scene from episode 9 of Evangelion. Miyamura also taught the audience as well as performed a number of Japanese tongue twisters, as well as showing how to read a Japanese style seiyu script. The workshop finished with Miyamura and her translator dubbing the final scene from Episode 9, and Miyamura announcing her voice acting classes for Melbourne which she is planning to start in the next few months.

For more pictures, and more info about the event, check out the forums.

Q Release Date: 17th November

At the recent EVA-EXTRA live screening in Japan it was finally revealed that the release date for Evangelion 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo will be the 17th of November this year. Not only that, but a new 30 second “next time” preview trailer was shown as well, prominently featuring Unit-02, Asuka and her eye-patch. Until an official video is released it is difficult to make out any further details.

For now, there are several fan videos of the screening online. We will update with more information as it comes.

View the video here.


Harajuku Eva-Store and Evangelion World Fuji-Q Walkthrough

At the end of last year/the start of this year I was in Japan experiencing Evangelion up close.

Two of the stand-outs were the Evangelion Store at Harajuku, and Evangelion World at the amusement park Fuji-Q Highland, right at the base of Mt Fuji. I managed to get a great deal of photos and net myself a large amount of Eva merchandise during my trip. I also managed to record two walkthrough videos of the Eva-Store and Evangelion world. Though the quality is about what you’d expect from a hand-held camera, I hope the videos give you a feeling of these two awesome Evangelion attractions.

For full details, and plenty of photos, visit the forums.


Free Paper Eva-Extra 08 released on Sunday July 1st

According to Studio Khara’s official website, the free paper Eva-Extra 08 will be released on Sunday July 1st at 9PM (during a movie screening). The free paper will be released at Wald 9 Cinema. The last Eva-extra released was Eva-Extra 07, in conjunction with the the Japanese BD/DVD release of 2.22.

Let’s hope this is the gradual start of 3.0 news.

EDIT: Turns out Eva-Extra 08 might be screen projected like a video at the Wald 9 Cinema instead of released in Free Paper format? Guess we’ll have to wait and see. Thanks to AchtungAffen for the tip.

EDIT # 2: A Twitter correspondence with Minna No Eva Fan confirmed that Eva-Extra 08 will be screen projected at Wald 9 Cinema.

Yuko Miyamura at SMASH! 2012

Once again Yuko Miyamura will be appearing at SMASH! (the Sydney Manga and Anime SHow), which this year will be held at the Sydney Convention Centre, making this its second year at this location. Miyamura will be hosting a Voice Acting Workshop giving tips on voice acting skills and working in the industry. It is open for anyone to apply, but a certain level of Japanese proficiency is required.

There’s no news yet on whether or not Miyamura will also be hosting a Q&A panel.


UPDATE: It has been confirmed that Miyamura will not be hosting a Q&A panel this year, as she has already done so during SMASH! 2010.


SMASH will be held on the Saturday July 14th at the Sydney Convention Centre, more info here.

More information on Yuko Miyamura’s Voice Acting Workshop here.

Sadamoto’s Evangelion Manga Vol 13 to get Simultaneous Release

According to Anime News Network, Sadamoto’s Evangelion Manga Volume 13 will receive a simultaneous release in the US and Japan on November 2nd 2012. Viz will release the manga online for $4.99 and in bookstores for $9.99.

The Japanese release of Volume 13 will include a premium limited edition (which can be pre-ordered on CDJapan for $10.74) with 4 extras: a 50-page artbook, 6 postcards, a 3D card, and a variant cover.

New Evangelion Website at Yahoo

The Evangelion website on Yahoo Japan got a new face-lift today along with the promise of delivering news about the upcoming Evangelion 3.0 movie expected this autumn. There’s not much interesting content or news on the site right now but hopefully this is the precursor to the much anticipated announcement of a solid release date for 3.0. The last time the site was updated was on July 2011.

Right now, there’s sections for info about the movies, characters, the Evangelion Units, the Angels, and the staff and company (GAINAX and khara). There’s also some sections for Evangelion merchandise, that are essentially links to products at the EvaStore; a cosplay contest at the Cosplay Festa at Tokyo Dome City; the Eva racing team and photos of the race queens (one thing notable here is that it seems we’ve gotten a new Shinji); and a section for Sadamoto’s manga and other the various spin-off manga. Oh, and you can also vote for your favorite TV episode.

Hopefully, it won’t be too long before the site gets some big updates or when there’s some real news about 3.0.

More Evangelion Campaigns and Collaborations

As the still unannounced theatrical release date of the upcoming 3.0 Evangelion movie approaches, the number of new advertisement/product collaboration campaigns seem to grow at a pace not seen in the previous releases. Aside from the normal Evangelion products that we’d normally see at places like Eva Store, the GAINAX Shop, Radio Eva, Eva Custom or the Eva T store, these campaigns and collaborations seem to coincide with an advertisement push for the upcoming 3.0 movie.

There’s the ANA Airline x Evangelion:


There’s the big Schick x Evangelion campaign:


And like the 2.0 campaign, 3.0’s also got it’s own SH-06D Nerv Phone created by Sharp and released by NTT/Docomo.


Uniqlo shirts, UT x Evangelion (although this one isn’t new, Uniqlo also did a campaign of shirts for 2.0):


There’s also the Hello Kitty x Evangelion collaboration which will bring T-shirts, stationary, etc. (the usual Hello Kitty stuff):


Recently, the Pacific Baseball League x Evangelion put out a bunch of shirts that cross their baseball teams and Evangelion.


And the newest seems to be a CCP x Evangelion T-shirt collaboration. CCP (short for “Character Contents Production) is a Japanese manufacturer of vinyl toys and figures and CCP x Eva has been around for a couple of months at least with their 4th Angel (Sachiel) figure, now they’ve released a new line of T-Shirts and jewelry:


Let me know if there’s anything that I’ve missed.

We’ve got a new collaboration, this time with JRA (Japan Racing Association), who mainly deal with horse racing and regulation. Here’s a couple of promo’s and ads:

SH-06D Nerv Phone Promo Plus Review

NTT Docomo released a promotional video (strangely, in English, with a British accent? Australian accent?) of their new SH-06D Nerv smart phone. We previously made a post with pictures of a mock-up of the phone but these videos look like the working UI. As unusably cluttered as it appears, the 3D-ish UI still looks really awesome. This promo tells about the creation of the phone within the story of Evangelion.

DAIGO Eva report is also doing a 5 segment review of the phone, but it’s in Japanese. Though around the 3:40 mark, you can him play around with what looks like a working SH-06D. This is the first of five.

Source: Official SH-06D Video page

The Verge did a review of the phone:

Read the rest of the review at The Verge

A Look at Docomo’s new Evangelion SH-06D NERV Smart Phone

In the middle of March, Evangelion and Docomo announced that they’d release a new Evangelion themed phone, similar to the SH-06A Nerv phones that they released almost 3 years ago to coincide with the release of Evangelion 2.0 where the phone is featured within the movie. The SH-06D is also made by Sharp, but unlike the previous model, is a touchpad smartphone that will run Android (2.3 Gingerbread). It also boasts a 4.5-inch capacitive touchscreen display that supports HD (720 x 1280 pixels) resolution and 16 million colors. The phones will come pre-loaded with some Evangelion apps and a theme designed by Studio Khara.

The phone itself is on display at the NOTTV booth at the Anime Expo 2012 (held at Makuhari Messe in Japan) this weekend and some first look pictures have been snapped of it.

The NOTTV Booth at Anime Expo 2012

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