
Shin Eva is now at 9.81 billion

As of noon today in Japan, Shin Eva is now at 9.81 billion yen.

A significant boost is expected from the July 11 meet-and-greet. 10 billion yen seems so close, yet so far.

Now send your thanks to Khara!

You may now send your thanks to Khara, thanks to nostrict’s new message board! Japanese Eva fan nostrict let us know of his new message board. Write a message to the showrunners or any of the Eva characters, and it will be passed on to Khara!

For the spoiler-conscious, Shin Eva characters are included in the thank-you board. However, they’re far enough down the list that you don’t need to worry.

Hideaki Anno to be at July 11 stage greeting

A July 11 stage greeting event has been announced on the Evangelion twitter, and Hideaki Anno himself is scheduled to be there.

Evangelion twitter, courtesy of Xenosaga on the forums

Further, the Last Run will come to a close on July 21. The Evangelion website had this to say :

This movie, which has been supported by everyone as “Shin-Eva Last Run,” will finally come to an end on July 21 (Wed.), except for some theaters.

There are some theaters that will close before July 21 (Wed.), so please check the official website and theater listings of theaters near you.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who waited so long to see the film and to all those who were involved in its development, despite the repeated adversities such as the postponement of its release twice due to the Corona disaster and the declaration of a state of emergency during the screening.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

In addition, a Finale Stage Greeting will be held at Shinjuku Wald 9 theater on Sunday, July 11. Director Hideaki Anno himself will be present, in addition to cast members Megumi Ogata (Shinji), Kotono Mitsuishi (Misato), Yuriko Yamaguchi (Ritsuko), and Fumihiko Tachiki (Gendo). There will be two greetings from the stage with questions being accepted via twitter and instagram.

Operation 0706 is to be continued on July 6

Operation 0706 is to be continued on July 6. This date marks two years since the July 6, 2019 AVANT 1 screening, and Khara is to mark this anniversary with a partial online screening of Shin Eva.

Further details are on the official Evangelion website.

In short, the first 18 minutes and 47 seconds of Shin Eva screen on the Khara YouTube channel starting 8:00 p.m. Japan time. Next is behind-the-scenes making of for one of the movie’s battles. At 9:00 pm the Director’s Cut version of “Shin Evangelion’s All Night Nippon” follows. This includes messages from the Evangelion cast that could not be originally broadcast on the program on June 21.

The website announces that there are no plans on archiving the event and requests viewers to watch it live.

Evangelion Movies Available Worldwide on August 13th

Khara announced today that all 4 Evangelion Theatrical movies will be available on Amazon Prime Video on August 13th.

There will be a global launch that covers over 240 countries and for most of the world, it will be the first glimpse of the newest and final Evangelion:3.0+1.01 THRICE UPON A TIME. The Amazon Prime twitter account tweeted:

They’ve also mentioned that it will be available for free for Prime members.

Additionally, Hideaki Anno includes a message for fans:

“I’d like to thank every Eva fan in the world for your continued support.

We were looking for the best way to offer the movie to fans overseas as early as possible in a challenging situation with movie theatres during COVID-19, and are happy to have found Prime Video as a partner to stream it globally. We highly recommend watching it on a big TV screen for the best viewing experience.”

Variety reports that Amazon Prime Video will make the movies available in 10 different language dubs and 28 language subtitles. The dubs include English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian. There’s currently no information about the English dub cast.

Eva Q Visual Story releases today

The Eva Q Visual Story releases today! The official Khara twitter announced that the Evangelion Q Complete Recordings Visual Story version would be released today, June 30. This was announced on twitter June 28 Japan time so it should be out by now. Sorry, folks, it seems we were slow to pick up on this!

Via GhostlyOcam on the forum

The visual story includes all the scenes in the order of the story and all of the dialogue. It is a part of the CRC. Further details are available on the Khara website. Based on the Google Translate and DeepL translations, it appears that the following is available:

The visual story is based on the Q: 3.333 version which was reshot in 2K resolution. To reproduce the high resolution images, a high-color, high-saturation printing process by Dai Nippon Printing is being used.

Q art director Takeshi Honda drew the cover illustration of Kaworu and Shinji in their plugsuits. A B4 pinup version of the cover in full color is included. A condensed version of 3.333 with all scenes and dialogue is included along with a “Music Cue Sheet” and an “Additional Script” that contains announcements and additional dialogue.

For more details, check out Khara’s site!

Past 9.5, getting close to 10 billion

Shin Eva has crossed the 9.5 billion yen mark and is on track to cross the 10 billion yen milestone in early July.

This was confirmed a few hours ago by the eigarankingnews twitter feed, courtesy of Gendo’sPapa on the forums.


Courtesy of Gendo’sPapa on the forums

Additionally, Shin Eva is currently the 43rd highest grossing film of all time at the Japanese box office. An entry into the top 40 is likely with its current trajectory.

Keep those fingers crossed, folks. And if another push is needed, you can count on new goodies like those Kaworu and Mari posters!

Hikaru Utada has come out as Non-Binary

Hikaru Utada has come out as Non-Binary! Many of us here at EGF would like to say “Congratulations, Hikki!”

Utada is well known to Evangelion fans for singing the theme songs to the Rebuild of Evangelion movies. This is only a part of her substantial body of work.

Utada made this announcement on a June 26 social media livestream with Evangelion director Hideaki Anno. Details from the Japanese site Genxy say that Utada had said “I’m non-binary. Happy pride month!” during the chat before the talk with Anno. The announcement was made following this Instagram post from last week

I’m sick of being asked if I’m “Miss or Missus” or choosing between “Miss/Mrs/Ms” for everyday things :( It makes me uncomfortable to be identified so markedly by my marital status or sex, and I don’t relate to any of those prefixes. Every time, I feel like I’m forced to misrepresent myself. I long for an alternative option, one that anybody of any gender or social standing could use.

…After writing thus far I looked it up and discovered that “Mx.” (pronounced as “mix”) has been suggested! That’s awesome and I hope it becomes more widely used. I’m afraid my idea for a neutral prefix has come too late…

Text of instagram post by Hikaru Utada

Shin Eva becomes 49th highest grossing

With a weekend gross of 93.3 million yen, Shin Eva becomes the 49th highest grossing Japanese film of all time. It beat Cold Blue: The Movie to make its place on the top 50 list. Since its last theatrical run is ongoing, its ranking is bound to increase over the week.

(WARNING: THE IMAGE USED IN THE FOLLOWING TWEET IS A MASSIVE SPOILER) This was confirmed by the eigarankingnews twitter feed. Thanks to GhostlyOcam on the forums for pointing this out!

This week is already full of goodies like the Shinjuku Wald 9 stage greeting event and Mari and Kaworu mini-posters. Reaching the mythic 10 billion yen mark by the end of the month seems a distinct possibility!

Mari and Kaworu mini posters coming out 6/26

Mari and Kaworu mini posters will be given to cinema attendees beginning June 26. This was a surprise announcement via the Khara official twitter feed.

Official twitter account, courtesy of hui43210 on the forums

This is described as a “Last” attendee gift for a total of 1 million people nationwide. The “Makinami Mari Illustrious” and “Nagisa Kaworu” mini posters come with cast autographs and a message from each cast member. Mari is drawn by Atsushi Nishigori and Kaworu is drawn by Masayoshi Tanaka.

The posters on the official tweet are in indistinct silhouettes for now, so they should be safe to look at for the spoiler-averse. (If you’re really averse to spoilers, it’s probably safer to avoid even the silhouettes)