
3.333+Shin screening and Blu-ray release

The previously cancelled Q:3.333 + Shin screening will be held as a special event on June 27 in the Shinjuku Wald 9 theater. A stage greeting will be held prior to the screening. Additionally, Evangelion 3.333 will be released on Blu-ray in the UHD format on August 25.

From Khara official twitter, courtesy of GhostlyOcam on the forums

The original scheduled screening of 3.333 was in January, and this release is in August. This gives a 7-month gap between theatrical and home video release, which is common. It also makes an October or November Blu-ray release for Shin Eva very likely.

Shin Eva grosses 9.23 billion, new trailer

Shin Evangelion has crossed the 9.23 billion yen mark. It is now apparently the largest moneymaker that Toei has distributed.

Courtesy of Gendo’sPapa on the forum

Khara has also put out a new trailer on YouTube. We will not link to this trailer since forum-goers who have watched the movie have warned of spoiler content. However, if you wish to see characters from the movie say their most iconic lines from the movie, feel free to head over to YouTube.

Music from Shin Evangelion available(UPDATED)

Shiro Sagisu’s Music from Shin Evangelion album is now available in its entirety on streaming music services, including Apple and Spotify! You can digitally purchase it on the iTunes Store, Recochoku, mora and animelo mix.

Via official Evangelion twitter feed, courtesy of GhostlyOcam

Many thanks to GhostlyOcam for bringing our attention to this. Feel free to discuss this release in the music thread!

UPDATE: It turns out that the music isn’t available to everyone everywhere on Spotify. The Spotify availability map, as of the last update, shows availability across East and South Asia.

Spotify availability map for Music from “Shin Evangelion”, courtesy of GhostlyOcam

Nuclear Lunchbox reports that the entire soundtrack is available on the EVA-EXTRA application, but isn’t clear if it’s paid-subscription only. The Spotify account needs to be linked to the region as well. Using an American Spotify account in Japan won’t make the Shin Eva soundtrack available, for example.

Further information should be available soon.

Shin Eva AD/CC translations updated on Arqa

The Arqa Apocrypha blog by Reichu & the Postdiluvian Apkallu has been busy. The past two weeks have brought substantial new content in the form of translated closed captions, matched to the audio descriptions. As Reichu explains, closed captions are the dialogue, select sound effect and music cues. Audio description is a description of what is happening on screen.

Reichu has completed Part 1-A and Part 1-B of the AD and CC, and Part 2-A and Part 2-B are underway.

Go take a look. It’s actually quite interesting to see some of the little cleanups of the dialogue from AVANT-1. It’s going to be a lot more interesting to see the rest when it’s complete.


Shin Eva’s Last Run campaign has put it OVER 9000 million yen, or 9 billion yen, for boring folks. Yes, I know Vegeta actually said “over 8000” in the original Japanese, but a meme’s a meme. And it did it on its 100th day since release, making it all the more poetic (mimetic?).

Here’s the tweet from Khara announcing this landmark :

Official Evangelion twitter, courtesy of GhostlyOcam on the forum

The 10 billion yen question is whether Shin Eva could become the first ever mecha anime to cross that figure on domestic totals alone. Anno is on record hoping to see Shin Evangelion cross that landmark figure. With the Last Run campaign, this may indeed be in sight.

Could we see history in the making? Is 10 billion close at hand? Feel free to discuss this on the forum!

Shin Eva’s Last Run: 9,215% over last week

Shin Eva’s Last Run campaign has topped the Japanese box office this weekend. Earnings are up 9,215% over last week . Let me repeat this to be clear, folks, Shin Eva is earning 93 times as much as it was last week! It’s leading even the brand-new Gundam Hathaway movie, although our last available information suggests that Hathaway is catching up.

Tweet by @eigajohomatome, brought to attention on the forums courtesy of GhostlyOcam.

We expect new information to come in soon, along with the Saturday gross for Japan (it is just past 9:00 pm Tokyo time as of this posting). A lot of cinemas have sold out screenings, so it’s possible that the 9 billion yen mark will be crossed very soon. Feel free to discuss this on the forum!

Updated Version of Shin Eva to be released.

We have received news about an updated version of Shin Evangelion entitled 3.0+1.01 that will be released in theaters.

The film, set for release on June 12, will have updated animation for some of the scenes. Moviegoers who see the film will also receive a 36 page booklet that includes new artworks along with statements from the production staff. However, one of the most interesting parts of this booklet is that it will feature a manga called Evangelion: 3.0 (-120 min.), which details events just before the beginning of 3.33. The manga’s story is written by Anno with the script by Tsurumaki and art by Hidenori Matsubara and Mahiro Maeda.

As we are eagerly wait for this new material to be released, we can take one thing for sure from this news. It is that while it seems it is taking forever for an international release, even though it has only been three months since its premiere, this news is a sure sign that we are inching closer to that release date than we were before.

(special thanks to Gendo’s Papa for bring this tweet to light and Nuclear Lunchbox for providing further translation)

Shin Eva AD translations on Arqa Apocrypha

Reichu has been working hard on the AD (Audio Description) and CC (Closed Captions) material from Shin Eva. The fruits of her labor have finally come out. Her Arqa Apocrypha blog now has the available AD and CC material in 4 parts. Parts 1, 2, and 4 are not quite complete, but this is a solid start.

To be clear : This is currently incomplete – numerous scenes aren’t represented here at all. Please read these keeping this in mind. Reichu has attempted to sync the CCs and AD with one another. The timing is provided here in 30-second increments. The time stamps show how events are spaced out but won’t necessarily line up with the film itself.

WARNING: SPOILERS LIE AHEAD. Read these at your own risk.

Part 1 (Currently incomplete)

Part 2 (Currently incomplete)

Part 3 (Complete)

Part 4 (Currently incomplete)

The combination of both AD and CC translations provide context together. This is the closest thing we have to a Shin Eva script at present. Reichu is not a professional Japanese translator and is entirely open about it. She has has noted where she’s unsure about something and provides the raw Japanese as reference.

Feel free to discuss these in the relevant forum thread – but please be warned that it’s in the SPOILER subforum, for obvious reasons.

The EvaGeeks wiki is now in Turkish!

Now for something completely different, Monty Python style!

User mbselvitopu has been tirelessly translating articles on the EvaGeeks wiki into his native Turkish. His efforts have been impressive, to say the least – take a look for yourselves!

For those of you who do understand Turkish, be sure to go over and take a good look! And for everyone who wishes to add articles to the EvaGeeks wiki in a language other than plain old English – please contact the forum staff!

Extended documentary on Anno airs April 29

Studio Khara has announced that an extended version of Hideaki Anno’s NHK Professional documentary will air on April 29.

Courtesy of GhostlyOcam on the forum

From Khara official twitter account.

Channel BS1 will air the special program Farewell, all Evangelion ~1214 Days of Hideaki Anno~  on April 29. This extends the NHK Professionals documentary with new footage and interviews. Runtime is approximately 100 minutes, around 30 minutes longer than the original run. 

Khara also announced that the original NHK Professionals documentary would re-air on May 5th on NHK General.

Khara official twitter account.

Those of us who watched the documentary on March 22 found it enlightening. The inclusion of behind-the-scenes footage and interview was fascinating, and it is surprising to discover that more exists. We look forward to discovering what new treats the extended version brings us all!